Yevgenia Watts

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A Portrait A Day 37 - Accordion Player WIP

Trying out Arches watercolor board. 16x20, " cold press. It stayed relatively straight while I was working on this first wash but curled up while drying. I'm not sure what the best way to keep it completely flat would be. Gummed tape? But then it kind of defeats the whole purpose of having a board instead of a sheet of paper. Large bulldog clips? Then I can't work all the way to the edge. I'm thinking that watercolor boards might be good for somebody who works fairly dry, but probably not so much if you like to have a decent amount of water on the surface.

The inspiration for this painting was an old accordion player who I enjoy watching (and listening to:)) every time I'm in Sacramento for the Second Saturday art walk. He is with a bluegrassish/countryish band that I can't remember the name of and most likely would not listen to otherwise. Watching live is a different story. Ah...I haven't been to a live concert in centuries...