Yevgenia Watts

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Looking Through Windows - mixed media abstract

mixed media abstract painting for sale

The 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge is in full swing and I'm still feeling up to experimenting and trying new things, just like I did at the beginning. I think that's great. And I'm also looking forward to taking a few weeks to catch my breath when it's over :).

The painting today is another abstract that I don't even have a title for yet. Here is a secret (though maybe it's not a secret by now :)): even though my work is almost exclusively representational, I love abstracts. Not all of them (did someone say "Pollock"?), but some. I love the powerful connection they can have with your very own, personal experiences, associations, and just unclear fuzzy feelings. I love how much space they leave for the viewer.

Does this image make you think or feel anything? Please share, even if it's negative! :)