Yevgenia Watts

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Day 8 - An Orchid

I have two orchid plants that somehow survived several years in my care. "Survived," because I am definitely not known for having green thumbs, and anyone looking at my front yard will be able to tell that :). But these things...they keep being alive and making me happy with gorgeous flowers. One of them just opened its first bloom of the season and I enjoyed painting it this morning.

Watercolor on Fabriano Artistico hot press 140lb watercolor paper. 5.5 x 7.5". Special price of $50 until February 1.

Speaking of blooms, also known as backruns, or bleeds, or even cauliflowers - I like them. I don't always create or keep them but in general, I think they are fun. If you like them, too, and want to make them happen in your painting, the secret is using lots of water when you paint, so that you have puddles of paint. Additionally, hot press paper is more bloom-friendly than cold press.