Yevgenia Watts

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You are invited to Art & Wine Lake Arrowhead!

sunflowers watercolor painting

Art & Wine 2013

Saturday June 29th, 10am - 6pm

Sunday June 30th, 11am - 4pm

Please come and enjoy this exclusive event with me and an excellent selection of other Southern California artists! The festival features painters, photographers, glass and ceramic artists, wood artists and more. There will be live music, food, and of course, wine! I plan on entertaining my booth visitors by painting demos and will be offering on-the-spot portrait paintings.

For map, parking directions, and other information, please visit the Art & Wine website.

Additional directions:

To reach Tavern Bay, take Highway 18 to the Lake Arrowhead turn-off. At the 4-way stop sign, continue straight along 173 past the lake until you see the UCLA Conference Center sign where you turn left (Willow Creek Road), which takes you to the lake. The entrance to the festival is on the right around the conference center, at the first left gate.

If you are on Facebook, you can RSVP at my event:

I look forward to seeing you!

